
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

echoes of love

Good Vibrations – Do you feel the spirit?

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“With the beauty of the rose comes its thorny stem.
Life captures the essence of the rose for it too is beautiful
but filled with many thorns.”

bed of roses

dewdrops glisten in the morning light
gently resting on the petals of a rose
a sunbeam reveals a dark shade of green
while a mild fragrance permeates the nose

swift movements,smooth clips with the blade
the perfect long stems are carefully sought
elated with the feeling of surprising a true love
a thorny prick awakens a dreamy thought

throbbing sensations snap the mind back to reality
for love is rare that does not inflict pain
enduring heartaches,harnessing desires
genuine and caring,until all is well again

red roses symbolize passionate love
those that are yellow keep hearts bright as day
talismans hold dreams of tomorrow
while the white embellish true love all the way

so, my love, keep these roses close to your heart
protected and secure with love’s seal
for life is a bed of roses,full of many thorns
sharp,cutting,but not without the power to heal

Echoes ©2004
Sharla Lee Shults

 “But he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose.”
~ Anne Brontë

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a smile behind my tears

a loving face
your sweet embrace
subsides the fears
behind my tears

a tender kiss
your touch of bliss
wipes the tears
erasing my fears

peace like a dove
our compelling love
calms the fears
drying my tears

spirited arms around
motion without sound
intense strength adheres
ending my fears

a secure emotion
your ardent devotion
left a smile
behind my tears

Echoes ©2004
Sharla Lee Shults

“Anyone can make you smile, many people can make you cry,
but it takes someone special to make you smile with tears in your eyes.”
~Author Unknown

2 responses to “echoes of love

  1. […] thoughts? Do you agree or disagree on this profound theory of life among the roses? After reading Bed of Roses, share your thoughts on this thorny matter. . […]

  2. […] Good Vibrations – Do you feel the spirit? "With the beauty of the rose comes its thorny stem. Life captures the essence of the rose for it too is beautiful but filled with many thorns.  […]

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