
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Nurtured by Nature

Where would we be, what would we face without good health and vitality? To climb any ladder, mentally or physically, takes dedication and perseverance but all too often overlooked is maintaining a healthy mind and body. Within the busyness and business of everyday life, we become so wound up, we forget to wind down . . . in a healthy way.

A nighttime stroll
Lessens the toll
Of daily strife

Join me and enjoy the interconnectedness between nature and human behavior, especially as it relates to health and vitality. Your vision into the natural world through reading, writing, observing, and listening relies on an appreciation for nature’s potential to enhance well-being and enrich daily life.

A verse a day
Keeps stress at bay
A joy of life

Connecting or perhaps re-connecting with nature promotes not just physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. In fact, each day without that connection is like a missed opportunity for renewal—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Believe what is found
Is always around
Waiting just for you

Find your happy place. . . a place where there is always excitement on one hand, tranquility on the other. Let the natural world become your go-to place for contentment. Open a window, look outside; open the door, step outside! Not only expect the unexpected but learn to respect the unexpected!

A happy face
My happy space
Outdoorsy too!

Human behavior is deeply intertwined with the natural world. The American Psychological Association calls this being nurtured by nature.  It is time to embrace this relationship, incorporating nature into daily life to cultivate vitality and enhance overall quality of life.

YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Prioritize your health and well-being by reconnecting with the beauty and vitality of nature. The solution is simple and comes with a very inexpensive price tag.

Welcome to the Catnip of Life!

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