
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Okay, Monday!

Mondays have repeatedly brought about sad thoughts because the weekend has ended. For some reason, there is dread at the beginning of the new week. Thus, we find ourselves wishing life away every Monday morning in anticipation of an early Friday arrival and the beginning of another weekend. Time to change…


What is it about Monday
That plants the seed of dread
Brings about wrinkles and frowns
Where smiles should be instead

What happens in morning time
To incite Monday blues
After all the night before
Beget such cheerful views

When daylight shifts to Tuesday
Happier thoughts consume
Even Wednesday and Thursday
Don’t portray Monday’s gloom

With each subsequent Friday
Excitement’s in the air
Thoughts of the coming weekend
Share no Monday despair

All too soon we find ourselves
Facing Monday again
We start rush-rushing the week
For Friday to begin

Food for thought…

In trying to rush the week
To reach the next Friday
That only so pushes us
Closer to NEXT Monday

Time goes by too fast as is
Why wish away the days
Time lost is never regained
Get out of Monday’s maze

Okay, Monday, let’s do this
Think smiles, think fabulous
Let the power of Monday
Make the week marvelous

©2016 catnipoflife

Let the power of marvelous Monday set the tone for smiles, NOT frowns, sending vibes for a terrific Tuesday, wonderful Wednesday, tremendous Thursday, fabulous Friday right on through the wacky weekend ’til marvelous Monday starts the week all over again!

Get rid of this…


Let’s hear you shout this…


Have a GREAT week!



When Messiness is Part of the Picture

Spaghetti-cats (1)

January 4 is…National Spaghetti Day

You know I just had to add cats to this special day! Head on over to Awakenings for the celebration! Here is how it starts…

When you were a kid, did you absolutely LOVE spaghetti? Perhaps those ‘kid’ days still prevail where messiness will always be part of the picture. Spaghetti is a universal food when it comes to age, race or gender and can be made just the way YOU like it! Get ready to step back in time to your days as a kid or keep enjoying those ‘kid’ days as if you never grew up! Just one important detail to remember…get your kids in the picture!

Happy New Year!


Make the leap from 2015 to 2016 with New Year’s resolutions that are doable! We all have the tendency to declare that which is most improbable…NOT impossible but simply not likely. In other words, be reasonable so goals can be accomplished! It is always possible to go beyond any expectations. Start the New Year afresh not allowing those forgotten resolutions of the past go against you. Let them remain right where they need to be…in the past, kaput, gone!


May 2016 be filled with catnip…days & nights where you Observe life at its best, listen to life’s songs, embrace life’s bounties, breathe the breath of life and savor life to its fullest! After all, you have but one life…LIVE IT! Make the next 365 days count. That’s right…you still have 365 days to go since 2016 is a leap year.


