
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Buzzin’ in Nature

Busy Buzzin’ Bees

Did you know . . .

* Honey Bees Can Fly Between 15—20 Miles per Hour

* A Colony Can Contain Up to 60,000 Bees

* A Single Worker Bee Produces About .083 of a Teaspoon of Honey

* Queen Honey Bees Store a Lifetime Supply of Sperm

* A Queen Honey Bee Can Lay More Than 2,000 Eggs a Day

. . . and more @…

Most interesting is the Bee Dance, aka, the Waggle Dance.

It’s a fact. . .

Honeybees perform a “waggle dance” to tell their nestmates where to go for the tastiest food. Bumblebees have stinky feet and can tell who’s walked on a flower before them.

Life Lessons from the Bees

‘Bee’ the best you can be
Play together in love
Join hands in fellowship
Under the sky above

Seek the sweetness of life
Filled with smiles and laughter
Flit and flitter outside
Morning, noon, thereafter

Capture rays of sunshine
Sparkling on stems and leaves
Marvel at wildflowers
As they sway in the breeze

Look around you for signs
Listen before you speak
Life lesson from the bees
‘Bee’ yourself, ‘Bee’ unique

#nature #beekeeping #life

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The Heart Has NO Wrinkles

Heart-has-no-wrinklesIt is inevitable for the wrinkles of life to show their ‘ugly’ signs throughout the aging process. For some, the signs of aging appear much earlier than others. How soon they appear and the deepness of their appearance depends upon life itself…its ups & downs, as well as detours along the way. 

“Wave the magic wand!” we might say at some point. Ah-h-h-h, if only that would work but then we could find ourselves in the midst of a global storm! Yet, if we were without those wrinkles, what would that say about our lives? Would we have truly lived? Would we have smiled and laughed, as well as frowned and cried? Or, would our faces look pasty without any indications of former emotion?

Reflect back on times in your life perhaps when a wrinkle might have first appeared. What was your reaction? Did signs of any wrinkling change the love and compassion you feel in your heart?  To love and to be loved never ages regardless if wrinkles appear!

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
Sophia Loren