
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Nurtured by Nature

Where would we be, what would we face without good health and vitality? To climb any ladder, mentally or physically, takes dedication and perseverance but all too often overlooked is maintaining a healthy mind and body. Within the busyness and business of everyday life, we become so wound up, we forget to wind down . . . in a healthy way.

A nighttime stroll
Lessens the toll
Of daily strife

Join me and enjoy the interconnectedness between nature and human behavior, especially as it relates to health and vitality. Your vision into the natural world through reading, writing, observing, and listening relies on an appreciation for nature’s potential to enhance well-being and enrich daily life.

A verse a day
Keeps stress at bay
A joy of life

Connecting or perhaps re-connecting with nature promotes not just physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. In fact, each day without that connection is like a missed opportunity for renewal—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Believe what is found
Is always around
Waiting just for you

Find your happy place. . . a place where there is always excitement on one hand, tranquility on the other. Let the natural world become your go-to place for contentment. Open a window, look outside; open the door, step outside! Not only expect the unexpected but learn to respect the unexpected!

A happy face
My happy space
Outdoorsy too!

Human behavior is deeply intertwined with the natural world. The American Psychological Association calls this being nurtured by nature.  It is time to embrace this relationship, incorporating nature into daily life to cultivate vitality and enhance overall quality of life.

YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Prioritize your health and well-being by reconnecting with the beauty and vitality of nature. The solution is simple and comes with a very inexpensive price tag.

Welcome to the Catnip of Life!

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Global Superpower Conference

Grateful and honored to have been selected as a speaker for the upcoming Global Superpower Conference 2024! This event will be held Friday March 29th from 5pm-7:30pm EST. I will be speaking on Embracing Nature’s Generosity: Being Nurtured by Nature.

Join myself along with additional dynamic speakers as we raise awareness and educate others about disabilities. My daughter, Nicole Reina, is a keynote speaker and Nicole will speak on Embracing Resilience. In Nicole’s words, “a topic dear to my heart, as I never would have made it this far had I let life tear me down.”

It is indeed an honor to be able to share the stage with my daughter toward inspiring others to greatness.

To join the FREE event, register here:

Regeline Gigi Sabbat

Nicole Reina Mindset Coaching

#disabilityawareness #superpowers #globalsuperpowerconference


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Unforgettable Event of 1986

My! My! My! You never know what memory is going to cross your path on any given day. Nor, the manner in which you will receive it.

I had just completed a Zoom meeting. In the chat box was a link to click for the purpose of providing feedback on the presenter. To my surprise, the link directed me to Google docs where I had to request permission to open the file. Very strange, indeed! Of all the meetings similar to this one, nothing of this nature had previously occurred.

The document opened and to my surprise were pictures on this day, February 08, 1986! The two attached photos are, of course, the most memorable ones of that day. I would be 40 in September of that year and competing in the Mrs. Florida pageant. What!?. The average age is 23.

Note: The first picture was taken at Cogburn’s clothing as I was trying on clothes for the pageant.

I placed in the Top 10 and would have gone further but got stumped on the question. Let me explain. From an early age up to that time and even later in my life, I was very uneasy speaking in public, especially in front of an audience. I did not like my voice and was often times laughed at because of the way I pronounced certain words. My home state is Georgia and I am a true Southern girl. You know, one of the G.R.I.T.S. If you aren’t familiar with
that acronym. G.R.I.T.S. = Girls Raised in The South.

Today, I have overcome that obstacle beginning with doing Catnip Fireside Chatter, FB lives, and have appeared on numerous podcasts. Now, I have events about to blossom and bloom, which I never thought possible in my life. An opportunity of a lifetime to spread the Catnip of joy, love, healing, and happiness in nature. . . the fertile ground for creativity and imagination created by the hands of God.

What may actually come out of all of this is still fully unknown. One step at a time. Who do I thank for what’s coming next? There is only one answer to that question:

My Lord and Savior who sends me messages to pay attention to my thoughts. As I increase the value of my own life, I am increasing the value of others! What about you? Do you believe in angels? Are you curious about your thoughts?

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The Power of Nature

The “catnip of life” IS Mother Nature! Like the effects of catnip on the cat, nature provides us excitement on one hand, tranquility on the other.

Nature is fertile ground for creativity and imagination. Often the simplest views of nature spark the most profound thoughts of thankfulness and gratitude.

This image reminds me of Robert Frost and his reference to the road less traveled. Even though this presents a single road vs one that forks affording us a choice, this too opens the door to choice.

While it appears quite simple in its view, it is powerful in meaning. It invites you to travel along the road of simplicity, leaving the busyness behind.

Would you travel this road or seek a more profound view?

#nature#life #travel #gratitude #simplicity

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Give the Gift of Inspiration

Christmas is the season of giving and gifting! Each of us gathers inspiration from different facets of life. For me, it is nature and my way of giving is providing inspiration through poetic words and vision. I invite you to feel the calmness in the presence of a rainy day. Experience glory amidst somber gray skies. Feel the sunlight penetrating early morning mist. Praise God for seasons of refreshing.

In the poetic words of the Catnip of Life, you explore the natural world through inspiration and imagery. See it! Hear it! Feel it! Read as a bedtime story to calm the mind or a wake-up call to an invigorating day! Visions are implanted in the corridors of your mind to be revisited any hour of the day or night. Then, your mission is to step outside into nature and enter the world of discovery.

Give the gift of magical wonder where words are read line-by-line and the end is the beginning!

Visit to learn about the Catnip of Life and all of Sharla’s books. Great Christmas gifts, even for yourself! The gift that keeps on giving inspiration to the giver and/or receiver! For quick purchase, Catnip of Life is available on Amazon.

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Nurture Your Spirit

There is an essence of energy in all life. Within the interconnectedness of all living things is a vital force or energy that permeates the natural world. If we turn the calendar back to examine indigenous cultures and ancient times, the belief existed that a universal life force or energy flows through all living beings and natural elements.

Nature is often considered a profound source of this life energy. The idea is that spending time in natural settings, such as forests, mountains, or near bodies of water, allows individuals to absorb and resonate with this vital force. There is a parallel to this idea within the Japanese culture with the practice of “forest bathing”, which is strongly linked to lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones. This shines a bright light on nature as being therapeutic and rejuvenating.

Nurture your spirit with time in the natural world. Nature is often depicted as being a calming place, building a sense of resilience, and providing a sense of hope. It is also a place of mystery, intrigue, and enchantment. Even on mornings that begin with dense fog and misty rain, there is a sense of mysticism and magic.

Misty Morning Fog*

Step outside on a foggy morning and you are standing in a low cloud settled in over the earth. The dense mist cloaks everything in sight with tiny water droplets. As ghostly apparitions appear, imagination follows. Dappled sunlight leaves you with a sense of mysticism.

Images appear subdued
Amidst the dense, pesky fog
Fondly kissed by stratus clouds
Disturbed by a croaking frog

Figures in the far distance
Emit varying shadowy hues
A tone so melancholy
Reminiscent of ol’ country blues

Uppermost mountain peaks
Obscured by the thick fog’s bed
Converge with sky’s splendor
Striking grey patterns overhead

Merely a touch of fog
Steamy haze in view
Evokes mystical thoughts
Chilling through ’n’ through

Silhouettes appear
Amid nature’s transformation|
Misty morning fog
Veils objects of fascination|

From the sky to the terrain
Scattering rays of sunlight drift
Semi-transparent colors emerge
As the fog doth slowly lift

“The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.”

 — Carl Sandburg (U.S. biographer, poet, 1878–1967)

*Catnip of Life, #1 Amazon Bestseller, March 2023

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Embracing the Last Remnants of Fall

As the crisp air gradually approaches winter’s chill, let’s reflect on the last remnants of fall that surround us. Nature, adorned in its warm hues, has already begun its graceful farewell to the vibrant season we’ve cherished. The trees, once ablaze with the fiery colors of autumn, stand almost barren with their leaves carpeting the ground as nature’s welcome mats.

I encourage you to step outside and immerse yourself in this transitional phase. This could be as close as out your front or back door. Witness the leaves dancing in the gentle breeze, feel the cool air on your face, and let the rustle of the remaining foliage be a soothing soundtrack to your day.

Observe. Listen.

Perhaps, take a moment to walk through a park or nearby woods and capture the rustle of leaves beneath your feet, inhale the earthy fragrance lingering in the air.

Embrace. Breathe.

It’s a poignant reminder that change is an inevitable part of life, and each season, like chapters in a book, has its own unique story to tell.

Savor nature’s abundant beauty.

Let’s capture this fleeting moment together through time and space, whether a leisurely stroll, a cozy cup of tea by the window, or simply pausing to admire the sunset’s warm glow. As we transition into the coming winter season, let’s carry the essence of fall with us—the memories of pumpkin-spiced moments, the sound of leaves crunching beneath our steps, and the feeling of warmth in our hearts that autumn always brings.

Wishing you a cozy and reflective season as we soon prepare to voice our gentle goodbyes to fall.

If you ask me about autumn, it is leaves dancing across the ground—Elements of a former life wherever nature’s spirit abounds.

~Catnip of Life
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Buzzin’ in Nature

Busy Buzzin’ Bees

Did you know . . .

* Honey Bees Can Fly Between 15—20 Miles per Hour

* A Colony Can Contain Up to 60,000 Bees

* A Single Worker Bee Produces About .083 of a Teaspoon of Honey

* Queen Honey Bees Store a Lifetime Supply of Sperm

* A Queen Honey Bee Can Lay More Than 2,000 Eggs a Day

. . . and more @…

Most interesting is the Bee Dance, aka, the Waggle Dance.

It’s a fact. . .

Honeybees perform a “waggle dance” to tell their nestmates where to go for the tastiest food. Bumblebees have stinky feet and can tell who’s walked on a flower before them.

Life Lessons from the Bees

‘Bee’ the best you can be
Play together in love
Join hands in fellowship
Under the sky above

Seek the sweetness of life
Filled with smiles and laughter
Flit and flitter outside
Morning, noon, thereafter

Capture rays of sunshine
Sparkling on stems and leaves
Marvel at wildflowers
As they sway in the breeze

Look around you for signs
Listen before you speak
Life lesson from the bees
‘Bee’ yourself, ‘Bee’ unique

#nature #beekeeping #life

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The Heart Has NO Wrinkles

Heart-has-no-wrinklesIt is inevitable for the wrinkles of life to show their ‘ugly’ signs throughout the aging process. For some, the signs of aging appear much earlier than others. How soon they appear and the deepness of their appearance depends upon life itself…its ups & downs, as well as detours along the way. 

“Wave the magic wand!” we might say at some point. Ah-h-h-h, if only that would work but then we could find ourselves in the midst of a global storm! Yet, if we were without those wrinkles, what would that say about our lives? Would we have truly lived? Would we have smiled and laughed, as well as frowned and cried? Or, would our faces look pasty without any indications of former emotion?

Reflect back on times in your life perhaps when a wrinkle might have first appeared. What was your reaction? Did signs of any wrinkling change the love and compassion you feel in your heart?  To love and to be loved never ages regardless if wrinkles appear!

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
Sophia Loren   



What would you label as being more important than your HEALTH and VITALITY? That should be an easy question to answer: NOTHING! Why? Because it would be difficult to live the life you love with your well-being simmering, sometimes barely simmering, on the back burner.

From the United States EPA (2023), Americans spend 90% of their time, not OUTdoors, but INdoors. Over half of American adults report spending 5 hours or fewer outside in nature each week. Over three-quarters spend 10 or fewer hours outside each week. (NATUREOFAMERICANS.ORG) Fox News reported recently nature deficit disorder as a problematic health issue. Negative health effects include obesity, cancer, heart disease, stress, anxiety, and depression.

The age of technology and the aftereffects of COVID have placed more and more demands on sitting at home or in an office staring at a computer screen. Then, there is also the cellphone which often times seems to be glued to people’s faces.

My challenge to you today: Step OUTdoors! Feel the energy of the earth beneath your feet. Listen to the soothing melodies of the wind and the birds. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. And, find comfort among the trees. In other words, BE outside. Trees are alive with energy flowing upward from the roots embedded deep within the earth as they gather their energy from the sun to grow and survive. The wind brushes the branches and leaves upon which the birds perch gracefully sometimes in joyful song.

HUG the TREE! Yes! Hug the tree! With your body tightly against the tree, offload all your emotional pain, absorbing the tree’s life-giving energy. The tree in return absorbs all the negative energy surging throughout you own body. The benefits of hugging the tree include reduced stress, improved immunity, lowered blood pressure, and quicker recovery from trauma or illness. (The Wilder Route. The Incredible Benefits of Tree Hugging) Thank the tree with love and move on about your day leaving any stress and anxiety behind you.

There is no age limit to hugging a tree. Make it a family and friends affair!

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