
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!


on December 29, 2012


catnipoflife is celebrating her 200th follower! For some, this is only a drop in the bucket. But, for catnip, this is a milestone: she has exceeded the limitations of the Liebster Blog Award and is no longer considered a ‘newbie’, new kid on the block, novice, noobonaught, or nooblet!

With this announcement comes the opportunity to recognize the 200th sign-on: [Drum roll, please…]

Dan @hurdlestohappiness

Here is a little about Dan in his own words:

My name is Dan, and I am currently a student at the University of Central Florida, majoring in Creative Writing and double minoring in Spanish and Hospitality Management. I recently completed my first book, a self-help for teens, with hopes of it being published in the near future. This blog is meant to give you a deeper look into the life of a teenager wanting to become a published author, as well as offer tools and tips of advice to help you ultimately achieve the life-long goal of Happiness.

GiftBoxesGifts of Appreciation in Celebration

As catnip’s 200th follower, she would like to provide a few gifts in celebration. So, Dan, I do hope you will accept with pleasure. . .

First gift…

versatilebloggernominationsThe Versatile Blog Award: catnipoflife recently received this award from Poems French & English by Gys. [This award was the very first award received by catnip last spring. Click HERE for her info.] Having perused your blog, I discovered the categories Achieving Happiness, My Writing Process, Poetry and Travels. With versatility comes accomplishment and accomplishment indeed is evidenced in your many blog awards that honor writing purposely, skillfully and with talent.

As with any award, there are rules:

1. Thank and to link the blogger who nominated you.
2. Show the award logo on your blog.
3. Write a post on the appointment.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers (or any number of your choice, more or less) and inform each.
5. Tell 7 things about yourself.

Second gift…

super-sweet-awardSuper Sweet Award: catnipoflife graciously accepts this award from Ute Smile. [This is catnip’s second, the first coming from Len a few months ago. Info can be found HERE.] Everyone loves sweets, some more than others! With this award, comes naming your favorites!

Here are the rules:

Nominate a baker’s dozen of other bloggers and answer these five questions in your own blog posting. Be sure to inform those upon which you bestow the award.

1. Cookie or cake?
2. Chocolate or Vanilla?
3. Favorite sweet treat?
4. Time when you crave sweets the most?
5. Sweet nickname? (If you don’t already have one, what would you like it to be?

Third gift…

AwakeningsHRsmAwakenings from Then ’til Now: catnipoflife‘s sister site Awakenings recently featured The Next Big Thing highlighting the soon to be released Awakenings from Then ’til Now. An additional gift to you is a copy of this book signed by me, the author. To receive your signed copy, I will need a mailing address. Should you not want to publicly display your address, you may email it to me . There are no rules, of course, in acceptance of this gift but perhaps you might consider a review.SmileySm

Fourth gift…

AwakeningsBookmarkA Bookmark: What is the gift of a book without a bookmark! Yep, one is included so when you take a break from reading you won’t lose your place in time. The book covers five centuries from the 17th century to the 21st century. What does the past whisper to you? opportunities for reflection occur intermittently throughout each chapter. Happy journeying and journaling!

Five is catnip’s “number” so there is a Fifth gift…

TheNextBigThing2The Next Big Thing: An invitation is extended to you for an interview to be included on catnipoflife and Awakenings as an addition to The Next Big Thing, which is a series of blog posts where authors talk about their work using the same ten questions. At the end of the blog you can tag other authors who will do the same thing a week later. So not only do others get to find out more about your book but you also connect your site to some other interesting writers. The Next Big Thing is a hot topic in the writers’ world so say ‘yes’ and tag along!

Before closing, catnip thanks all of her followers for their time visiting and leaving comments. Any day is a good day to gather a little catnip of life!

19 responses to “CONGRATULATIONS 200th Follower!

  1. lgyslaine says:

    I am very happy for all this succes, Sharla. God bless you 🙂

  2. tassalles says:

    Congratulations, friend!

    • catnipoflife says:

      Hello, Tarcisio! So good to ‘see’ you at catnip:>) BTW Do you have an English version of your blog?

      • tassalles says:

        Sorry for delay Sharla! Believe only today I’ve read your answer! Unfortunately all my blog by now are also only in Portuguese! My have a Google multilanguage translator and I want to improve something analogue for my wordpress ones! That I need to consolidate so I have good time! A rare resource here ultimately!!!!

  3. Sharla so well deserved Congrats!!! ((xx))

  4. utesmile says:

    Congratulations, you deserve it all. hug Ute x

  5. Congratulations dear Sharla – may all your followers continue to bliss out on catnip!!!!!

  6. pennycoho says:

    Congratu-fabulously wonderful Sharla! You are deserving of all and more are coming too! A toast to you my dear and special friend and your love of life and people but most especially your talent (which is awesome). Much love, Penny xx

  7. Teepee12 says:

    Congratulations. I hit 201 the other day and was really surprised to realize I’d missed it. We seem to be running parallel 🙂 I like it!

  8. Micki Peluso says:

    Congrats, Sharla!! You’ve earned it and deserve it as your blog is one of the nicest I’ve seen yet. I still only have 44 subscribers, but only a half dozen ever visit–unless they are lurking about and not commenting lol. The way you manage your blog and it’s eye appeal, plus always good blogs makes the difference, and you have all these things–now start going for 1000!!

  9. Chris says:

    Sharla this is so great. You seem to have the knack it takes to keep us coming back for more. I so enjoy finding you in my mail box every morning. Bless you and have a Happy New Years.

  10. Neeraj says:

    Congratulations Sharla!

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