
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Christmas Time

on December 22, 2013

christmas-timeChristmas is a time of celebration. The reasons for this celebration differ from person to person, place to place. Everyone in the world is not of the same belief thus Christmas time holds personal meanings varying from culture to culture. A common thread, however, seems to be the festiveness of the season, which permeates the air with cheer, wonder and amazement.


Whether you are celebrating a secular or a religious Christmas, catnip wishes you a season of happiness, joyful times with family and friends. Sharing precious moments together is more important than any tangible Christmas present. Anything man-made can be destroyed by man. It is tangible. Love and good will from the heart moves with the spirit. It is intangible.

As you move about with the season, spread good cheer but also be mindful of those whose Christmas may not be reminiscent of joy. There are those who are less fortunate, homeless, down-trodden, depressed and suffering.  Be aware that some people can find Christmas a difficult time, especially in cases where a loved one is ill, there are family problems or a loved one has died. Do your best to comfort them while including them in your good wishes for better times in the future.


Christmas is indeed a time of giving. Unfortunately, commercialism has taken away some of the true joy of Christmas. We hustle and bustle, fight the crowds, stake out the best sales, still overspend and all for what reason? More presents? More, more, more…. Instead, do something generous in the spirit of spreading joy and kindness, beauty and love. Give to someone who has, better yet, expects nothing. Cook for those who barely have enough food for the family, visit someone in a nursing home, volunteer at a homeless shelter, help with a toy or food drive. The possibilities are endless. Give of your time from the heart!


For many, Christmas is filled with traditionChristmas caroling, watching Charlie Brown’s Christmas, reflecting on Christmases past, creating homemade gifts, baking Christmas cookies, decorating the tree, hanging Christmas stockings, wrapping presents, enjoying Dad’s special Egg Nog (or not!), waiting impatiently for Santa, and so much more.

Whatever your traditions may be, Embrace the Past…

Toys ‘n Things

When it came to holidays
Mama had everything under control
Baking cookies, wrapping presents
Even decorating the hall

Christmas Eve kept everyone busy
The house full of holiday cheer
Papa and Jimmy left at daybreak
On the hunt for the perfect deer

We’d wake up Christmas morning
Feeling the keen sense of surprise
Excitement in our hearts
The minute we opened our eyes

Still in our pajamas, hair all a muss
We stretched, yawned, still half asleep
Out of bed before Mama and Papa
We managed a sneaky little peek

Catching sunbeams through the open window
Were the branches of a scrawny little tree
Underneath were handmade toys ‘n’ things
The most thankful sight we ever did see

©2010 Remembering Sharla Lee Shults

©2010 Remembering
Sharla Lee Shults

“Christmas is for giving, being thankful and giving from the heart.” ~SLS

9 responses to “Christmas Time

  1. Skye says:

    Merry Christmas, Dear Sharla!!!!!

  2. Anyone connected with AA or any other self-help group knows that the holidays are THE hardest time and when there is a big bump in rescue calls. Being available to those who need a kind word can mean a lot to someone. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Al says:

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Sharla. You of all people deserve it so much

  4. bobmielke says:

    Since moving away from everyone I knew back in South Carolina Christmas has taken on different meanings each of the 8 years since I left. I had become accustomed to the family traditions of my friends, family and coworkers. It took me some time to warm up to people in the Pacific Northwest, with their own values and aspirations in life. They seemed totally alien to me after living in South Carolina for 13 years prior to relocating to Oregon. Now, with a whole different set of friends and an adopted family, I look forward to the holidays more each years. My senior buddies as well as the workers around me each day are important to me. I look forward to seeing them on nearly a daily basis. Merry Christmas to my online blog friends as well. 🙂

  5. Merry Christmas, Sharla!

  6. Raani York says:

    Merry Christmas, Sharla!!! 🙂 Enjoy the time with your husband and family!! 🙂

  7. RoSy says:

    Merry Christmas! 🙂

  8. laurie27wsmith says:

    Lovely Sharla, merry Christmas.

  9. […] Christmas is a time of celebration. The reasons for this celebration differ from person to person, place to place. Everyone in the world is not of the same belief thus Christmas time holds personal meanings varying from culture to culture. A common thread, however, seems to be the festiveness of the season, which permeates the air with cheer, wonder and amazement.  […]

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