
Observe life at its best, Listen to life’s songs, Embrace life’s bounties, Breathe the breath of life, Savor life to its fullest!

Happy Thanksgiving from Catnip!

Catnip is excited to offer all her followers and visitors Purr-r-r-r-fect Thanksgiving Blessings. So, without further ado and with special Happy Thanksgiving blessings from Foxie…


BE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN TO THE VIDEO! Visit catnip’s sister site AWAKENINGS for loads of trivia, treats & tradition!

FOXIE:Turkey’s purr-r-r-r-fect, you say?

And to really top it off. . .


Lollipop, Lollipop…Oh lolli lolli lolli! Lollipop!

July 20 is…National Lollipop Day


I could not resist alerting everyone to this celebration since childhood is such an intricate part of the catnipoflife. Mosey on over to catnip’s sister site, Awakenings, for the celebration. You just might find some lollipops that turn you on or perhaps turn you off!


Plus how on earth could I pass posting the cat eating the lollipop?!



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I just want to be loved!

I just want to be loved!

I just want to be loved!

Summertime is on the horizon!  There are a lot of celebrations during the month of June but one is most fitting to catnip: Adopt a Cat Month. With summer comes the rising temperatures and efforts being made to cool things down. Have you ever thought about our feline friends who don a fur coat all year long? The sweltering summer heat can indeed be a torment and often life threatening.

adopt-a-cat-month1Adopt a Cat Month is HERE!

blockquote_iconWhy is Adopt A Cat Month in June? During the spring, shelters are brimming with cats and kittens of every age. Unfortunately, there are often more cats in a given shelter than they can handle.

This overpopulation causes millions of perfectly healthy, loveable and adoptable kittens and cats to be euthanized every year.

Even though June is designated as Adopt a Cat Month, it is not just about the cat. June is loaded with Pet Celebrations:

  • Adopt-a-Cat Month®. From the American Humane Association.AdoptAShelterCatMonth
  • Adopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month. From the ASPCA.
  • National Pet Preparedness Month. This month, timed for the first month of hurricane season, urges people with pets to make preparations in case they should be hit by a disaster…and that includes making plans for what you would do with your dog in case of a hurricane, tornado, flood or other natural disaster.
  • June 4, 2013: Hug Your Cat Day.
  • 1st week in June. Pet Appreciation Week.
  • June 10, 2013: World Pet Memorial Day.
  • mid-June: Animal Rights Awareness Week.
  • June 21, 2013: National Dog Party Day.
  • June 24, 2013: Take Your Dog to Work Day.

Ready? Set! Adopt a cat!

If you missed any of the links at the beginning of the post, click HERE for MORE CELEBRATIONS in the month of June!


Brothers & Sisters


Siblings are often the very best of friends…

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Check out a personal posting for my brother and the history behind National Sibling Day @ Awakenings!

Wes & Me

 Wes & Me 🙂


If cats had thumbs…

Cats-and-Dogs-Had-Opposable-Thumbs-Day1Have you ever thought about one fact that sets man apart from many other species on the planet is an opposable thumb? It allows us to do many things that other creatures can’t do. If you have ever injured your thumb, you have had a first hand experience as to what an important role that digit plays on the human hand.

Now imagine what it would be like if your pet had thumbs. Do you get a clear image of your pet with thumbs? Are you seeing your pet doing things with his/her new thumb? If so, your mind is in spirit with celebration today, March 3

Have a HAPPY ‘If Pets Had Thumbs Day’!

Note: If you have a pet monkey, you already know what it would be like for your pet to have thumbs. Hee-hee…


Here is a Thumbs Up for all pets today!

There is more going on today as always. Visit Awakenings for National Anthem Day celebrated on March 3!



A Touch of Catnip


Doesn’t appear our little feline friend is playing Beethoven’s Fifth…”bum bum bum buuuuuummmm” by his/her keyboard strokes so let’s use a little imagination and pretend the little fellow (or gal) is striking a familiar Christmas tune.

Christmas is a special time of year when music fills the air while sweet-smelling aromas tickle the nose of each passerby, whether within the home kitchen, along city sidewalks and streets or weaving along country roads. While this is a time of caring and giving, let us not forget those darling little ‘angels’ that bring so much joy and love into the home. Let’s make theirs a purr-fectly wonderful Christmas as they make ours a melodically meowy Christmas!




Bon Appétit & Music Too!

Reposted from Awakenings with a touch of catnip…


Gobble Gobble Gobble is the tune of the day if the only thing on your mind is the Thanksgiving feast…BUT that is not all Thanksgiving is about. It’s only a start…

  gluttons for punishment
partake of the Thanksgiving feast
with abundant choices
one can feel like a gorging beast

try this for something different…
go around the table
fill a plate with all the trimmings
deliver to the disabled

~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

  Thanksgiving is not just about food…it’s music too!

music of Thanksgiving
soul felt,  full of emotion
melodies of the heart
spreading joy, inspiration
 it’s rhythmic balance in nature
in tune with songs of life
 spiritually rewarding
“whispers of drum and fife”

 Thanksgiving is about…

 giving thanks for many blessings
received the whole year through
being with family and friends
 cherishing all they do
living, laughing, loving
never forgetting those in need
giving inspiringly
encouraging others indeed
Beyond the Thanksgiving table…
remember blessings said
being heard with a grateful ear
 humbly and earnestly
memorable words to endear
 emit emotions from the heart
those that last all year through
solemn thankfulness amid praise
to never bid adieu




Trick or Treat!



Visit catnip’s sister site, Awakenings, for MORE hauntings…


brief video history of Halloween,

the craziest selfie ever,

comic horror movie classic,

a bit of nostalgia and

scary vintage Halloween costumes!



Trick or Treat!

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It’s party time…for the CAT!

It is a known fact (um-m-m-m? by whom?) that cats hate vacuum cleaners…

These cats are unaware of that fact…

Now that I have your attention,

It’s party time…for the CAT!


October 29 is… National Cat Day
Head on over to catnip‘s sister site, Awakenings for the celebration!




Touch of Catnip

Smiles and laughter at the close of day…

Would you ever guess “I ♥ CATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍❤️❤️❤️” ?